
Real-Time CCTV Surveillance Services You Can Rely Upon

CCTV cameras and security systems are critical components that help ensure the improved safety of your home or business. To further reinforce the security of your property, Among Us Security provides high-quality and real-time CCTV surveillance services – on-site or remote.

Given the increasing rate of crime, merely installing a CCTV camera on your premises is not enough. It needs to be continuously monitored to identify criminal activities in real-time and deter the same through prompt emergency response. And that’s what we specialize in – 24/7 CCTV surveillance!

On-Site or Remote CCTV Surveillance Services? Trust Among Us Security

As security takes the topmost position in residential and commercial buildings, we leave no stone unturned to ensure the end-to-end security of your property.

  • Remote Monitoring: We will remotely monitor all your security cameras from our hi-tech surveillance stations and immediately report a case of trespassing, theft, burglary, or vandalism.

Consult our team to understand what type of CCTV surveillance services are right for your home or business.

Why Choose Among Us Security?

There are several reasons that make us the most trusted choice for CCTV monitoring services in Metro Vancouver and Fraser Valley:

  • Real-time monitoring and immediate emergency response

  • We specialize in both on-site and remote CCTV monitoring

  • Security camera video surveillance, documentation, and analytics

  • Highly qualified and trained security professionals

Contact us today for comprehensive CCTV surveillance services.